ABI 4440038 TaqMan Universal Master Mix II with UNG 适合多种TaqMan应用的实时荧光定量PCR预混液 ? 室温下可在预先配置好的PCR反应体系中稳定保存24个小时 ? 经验证可用于TaqMan? 基因表达、SNP基因分型、拷贝数和MicroRNA Assay ? 使用通用热循环条件运行TaqMan? Assay ? 可直接替代您现有的实验方案 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II 可在较宽的靶基因输入量范围内完成敏感且精确的检测,它可以可靠地检测出低拷贝数靶点,并通过准确定量鉴别出靶点丰度之间的微小差异。与所有基于TaqMan? Assay的技术一样,此实时荧光定量 PCR预混液提供了同源序列之间的单碱基分辨,且可在通用热循环条件下完成反应。 This TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II is supplied as a 2X concentrate and contains: ? AmpliTaq Gold? DNA Polymerase, UP (Ultra Pure) ? dNTPs (with dUTP) ? ROX? Passive Reference ? Uracil-N glycosylase (UNG) ? Optimized buffer components TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II 货号 名称 目录价 促销价 4440042 TaqMan Universal Master Mix II, with UNG Mini-Pack (1x1mL) 1122 726 4440043 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG Mini-Pack (1x1mL) 1122 700 4440038 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, with UNG 1-Pack (1x5mL) 5,340 3,506 4440040 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG 1-Pack (1x5mL) 4,959 3,259 4440048 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG 5-Pack (5x5mL) 22,050 13,230 4440045 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, with UNG 5-Pack (5x5mL) 23,360 14,016 我司为美国Life Technologies 品牌在北京的授权经销商,品牌旗下包括创新型 Applied Biosystems (ABI)和 Ion Torrent 牌仪器以及 Invitrogen、Gibco、Ambion、Molecular Probes 和 Taqman 等较广泛的试剂产品,备货充足,价格低廉,随时欢迎并期待您的来电咨询与选购,谢谢! TaqMan? Fast Advanced Master Mix 货号 名称 目录价 促销价 4444556 TaqMan? Fast Advanced Master Mix (1*5 mL) 100 rxn 1,170 725 4444557 TaqMan? Fast Advanced Master Mix (1*5 mL) 500 rxn 5,840 3,798 4444963 TaqMan? Fast Advanced Master Mix (2*5 mL) 1000 rxn 11,000 7,154 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II 货号 名称 目录价 4440042 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, with UNG Mini-Pack (1*1 mL) 1,122 4440043 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG Mini-Pack (1*1 mL) 1,122 4440038 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, with UNG 1-Pack (1*5 mL) 5,340 4440040 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG 1-Pack (1*5 mL) 4,959 4440048 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, no UNG 5-Pack (5*5mL) 22,050 4440045 TaqMan? Universal Master Mix II, with UNG 5-Pack (5*5mL) 23,360 TaqMan? Gene Expression Master Mix 货号 名称 目录价 4370048 TaqMan? Gene Expression Master Mix, Mini-Pack (1*1mL) 100 rxn 1,050 4369016 TaqMan? Gene Expression Master Mix, 1-Pack (1*5 mL) 500 rxn 4,705 4369514 TaqMan? Gene Expression Master Mix, 2-Pack (2*5 mL) 1000 rxn 8,820 TaqMan? Genotyping Master Mix 货号 名称 目录价 促销价 4371353 TaqMan? Genotyping Master Mix, Mini-Pack (1mL) 100 rxn 1,119 694 4371355 TaqMan? Genotyping Master Mix, 1-Pack (1*10 mL) 1000 rxn 8,680 5,642 4381656 TaqMan? Genotyping Master Mix, 2-Pack (2*10 mL) 2000 rxn 15,760 9,456 TaqMan? PreAmp Master Mix 货号 名称 目录价 促销价 4391128 TaqMan? PreAmp Master Mix 40 rxn 10,510 6,965 4488593 TaqMan? PreAmp Master Mix 200 rxn 43,220 28,525